Friday, May 9, 2014


The eggs have been incubating 28 days and 18 hours or so.  Six of 10 have kick boxed their way out.  Wet and slimy they lay slicked and exhausted.  Little oil spills all rubbery from exertion.  Bits of shell cling to them, evidence of toil and trauma.  Then an hour in the brooder and they fluff up like bread rising in a warm oven. From slippery and gooey to ADORABLE in an hour!
Huey, Looey, and this would be Gooey?
So fluffy!!!
Unhatched, the remaining 4 sit and I can't help but watch them! Occasionally, they vibrate, and if you are patient, you can hear a peep.  There is a  little hunk of shell raised and flapping a bit on each egg.  Oh yes, somebody's knocking on the door. This is amazing!

Amazing, we use that word so often, and miracle, and beautiful. This is it though, all of those things!  Amazing, miracle, beautiful sinks in and a giant burble of "How?" rises to the top of the lava lamp in this brain.

"How?"  Yes, I know, a mommy and a daddy duck loved each other very much...and then there is the 100 degree incubator, and this Farmer's hands along with her tender 15 year old son nimbly turning eggs 4-5 times a day for 25 days (the last 3 days the little ones are positioning themselves for the big breakout).  This Farmer sings to them, and the embarrassed teen designates her a "whack-a-doodle."  Me, I own it.

But how is life?  How does a combo of DNA and soup manifest a new life? Where does the spark come from?  I believe in Science, and that one day what we know now will seem like rubbing 2 sticks together to make fire.  I also believe from the marrow in the Creator of the spark and that He wants us to know the deep secrets of How.  But I grunt caveman questions wanting eloquent answers.

There is an old joke about a teacher who explains to her student that the thermos is an amazing invention.  "It keeps hot things hot, and cold things cold," she says.  Her wide eyed student asks in amazement, "but, how do it know?"

And here I am asking, "how does a soul know ("How do it know?") to enter into the goo?"

There are some who disagree that there is a soul in any egg apart from a human egg.  This Farmer can only disagree.  No controlled studies, no numbers crunched, just observations over years that some would blame on anthropomorphism (attributing human characteristics like compassion, altruism, love and justice to animals). 

Again, "Ugh!"  Me and my two sticks trying to make a fire, form an argument.
So I ask "How???" to you and to the Soul Bearer because in the questions, however simple, are answers.  In wonder and awe are perspective and truth all building on our current understanding.  

I wait for it all.  The answers to how, the peeps of babes urgent to break out of an orb into an entirely new soup, and for more questions.  How I love the questions!


...And thermoses- thermoses are amazing!!
and Stanley the duck it is...